Sustainability Commitment
At Rectory, our social and environmental impact are a core part of what we do, not only to the business but also to our customers, employees and stakeholders too.
We take pride in our sustainable approach to housebuilding.
For some time we have been working towards the requirements now outlined in the new Environment Bill, by ensuring all our developments are providing a net gain in biodiversity.
An independent ecology consultant will survey the site for its ecological value before development to establish a baseline. This is then used to determine what mitigation and enhancement measures are required in order to achieve this net gain.
An ecological enhancement plan will establish exactly how a scheme will result in a net gain and this is submitted to the local planning authority for consideration.
If a net gain cannot be achieved purely though on-site creation due to site constraints then a financial contribution will be generated as a payment in lieu of on-site enhancement measures. This money then goes towards habitat creation elsewhere locally.
Our homes build a better future for generations to come
Produced by Travis Perkins, shot by Grit Pictures
Working with Rectory Homes as a trusted sustainable house builder.
Featuring The Meadows